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Nine Crosby



Nine Crosby is a team of professionals including veteran PR practitioners with strong backgrounds in journalism, advertisement, research and business sectors. It mainly provides strategic counsel to corporate senior management around issues and crisis management and reputation management.

As a communication consulting firm, Nine Crosby provides full-service consultancy for multinational and local companies/organizations. And it delivers holistic PR solutions based on high-level networks across political and administrative, business, media and communications sectors.

Nine Crosby offers complete consultant and expert solutions from potential crisis preparation, real time crisis responses to post-crisis management, especially for enterprises and governments to all kinds of potential risks.

Nine Crosby also helps to build its clients' reputations through the media. It can analyze the organizations, find positive messages, and translate these to be of worth to the media. Also, it takes bad news and determine the best response to minimize the harm.

With developing and executing PR strategies and programs that are aligned with business & PR communication campaign goals, it amplifies PR stories through the relevant media channels or tactical programs as marketing communication campaigns.

Nine Crosby promotes its clients via editorial coverage to feature in newspapers, magazines, social media, and TV programs. The work includes writing and distributing press releases, creating special events, networking, copywriting, blogging, social media promotions, and issues/crisis management.

Company Credential

Nine Crosby | CEO.Jin Kim | 05-101, Arc Place, 142 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea | Business Registration No.180-13-01509 | Tel.+82 2 866 9455 | E-mail.info@ninecrosby.com

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